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Frequently Asked Questions

My used cooking oil container is full, What should I do?

Do not add any more cooking oil to the container. As a short-term solution, you can use any plastic or metal container to collect additional cooking oil until we arrive for a pickup. Never refrigerate used cooking oil.  Please contact us at 833-377-3838 to schedule service.

It is important to ensure that your container grate is free from debris. A clogged grate will not allow the oil to pass into the container.  Please do not force debris down through the grate and into the container.  Carefully remove the debris and dispose of it properly.

Why can’t I pour my used cooking oil down the drain?

Used cooking oil cannot be poured down the drain because over time it will build up and clog your pipes leading to costly and unpleasant sewage backups in your restaurant.


I have an oil spill around my container, what should I do?

First block off the area so no one walks or drives through the spill. The best way to clean up a spill is to put down an absorbing agent like kitty litter to soak up the oil. Allow the oil to be fully absorbed before sweeping it up and disposing of it in the trash.

Do I need to sign a contract?

We do not require a contract for used cooking oil recycling services.  

Do you provide used cooking oil storage containers and what is the cost?

We provide you with a free container that accommodates your business needs. Whether you need an indoor container, a container on wheels or an outdoor container, we have different sizes and options available to meet your needs.

How often do you provide service?

The frequency of our service depends on the amount of oil your business produces. We provide collection service as often as you need us to. 

When do you provide service?

While we are available 24/7 for emergency service, most collections are performed Mon-Sat 8am to 8pm. 

Do you provide grease trap service services?

At this time we do not offer grease trap cleaning service.

Do you provide one-time pick-ups?

We can provide one-time pick-ups but there is typically a service charge that depends on your location and the amount of oil that we are collecting.  Please call us and we can discuss options with you. 

Do you offer service for Food trucks?

Yes, we provide used cooking oil collection for food service establishments including food trucks and mobile food vendors.  For a fee, we can also arrange to collect used water from food trucks and mobile food vendors as well.  Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.

How do I enroll for service?

You can email us at, call us at 833-377-3838, or fill out our Get Started  form and we will contact you to arrange service.

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